new surface finish
for roller shutter doors with our roller shutter profile 1.95R (RPU 20-95)
New steel surface for our 1.95R / RPU 20-95 profile
From the middle of the first quarter of 2023, our 1.95R profile (also in the RPU 20-95 variant) will be delivered as galvanized steel profile with a new surface.
Instead of the previously used galvanized material, a zinc-magnesium surface finish is used here.
The material thickness is 0.40 mm.
The new edition is also provided with an anti-fingerprint transparent varnish as surface protection.
By switching to the new zinc-magnesium edition, we are achieving further improvements with regard to
- Corrosion protection (significantly improved!)
- longer durability of the roller shutters
- low abrasion
- saving of resources (more environmentally friendly and more energy-efficient production)
The optical effect of the new surface (photo above left) is similar in color and gloss to the previous galvanized version (photo above right).
The color tone is perceived as a little darker gray in comparison.
A detailed description and comparison of the two types of steel finishing can be found here.
For more information or questions, please call or email us.